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  • 1.  Enabling IPv6 on MX router/EX switches/SRX firewall

    Posted 12-05-2022 07:08

    Hi all,

    I'm starting a project for introducing IPv6 routing into our network. We have several Juniper devices in the path that need IPv6 enabled on. The devices are in the following:

    MX80 router -> EX4600 VC switch -> SRX4100 -> EX4300 VC switch

    I think I got the concept and configuration for the MX router down but what I'm not sure about is how do I enable IPv6 switching on EX switches? I Googled this and from what I could find it seems that I only enable IPv6 on the already configured IPv4 interface but I was wondering if this is really all that is needed or does anything else needs to be added?

    Thanks for all the help.

  • 2.  RE: Enabling IPv6 on MX router/EX switches/SRX firewall

    Posted 12-05-2022 09:58
    The configurations for ipv6 are all related to layer 3 getting ip addresses.  So if the switches only perform layer 2 functions than no change would be needed.

    For the layer 3 interfaces that exist in ipv4 you would need to add the equivalent ipv6 configurations.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: Enabling IPv6 on MX router/EX switches/SRX firewall

    Posted 12-05-2022 10:08
    The IPv4 interface is used only for remote management(and will remain so) on the switches and only have one static route needed for this.

    From your answer there is nothing further needed to be done on the switches. That's great as I can then focus only on router and firewall.