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  • 1.  Disable Interface?

    Posted 08-11-2016 07:24

    I have a bit of an odd issue.


    I have a firewall with two VPN tunnels up to two different VPN hubs.


    I need the VPN to Hub2 disabled/off if the VPN to Hub1 is up.


    Is this possible, and if so how?


    Note: the 'spoke' firewall does not have an route. I went as far as making a non permenant roue for the public IP of hub2 via tunnel1 (to hub1) with a lesser priority route via the spokes wan gateway. this didn't solve the issue.





  • 2.  RE: Disable Interface?
    Best Answer

    Posted 08-11-2016 08:22

    you need to write event script which will check when vpn state changed and activate another vpn

  • 3.  RE: Disable Interface?

    Posted 08-11-2016 09:04

    Thank you for the info!


    Youre comment about the event script though, has made me realize that I posted this under the wrong topic.


    The firewall in reference is a ScreenOS device.


    I reposted under the right topic here... http://forums.juniper.net/t5/ScreenOS-Firewalls-NOT-SRX/Disable-Interface-Reposted-in-right-topic/td-p/295707


    Thanks again,


  • 4.  RE: Disable Interface?

    Posted 09-07-2016 08:22

    I'm going to give this a shot on a JunOS box - do you have any pointers or suggestions for good reading on how to do it?