1: Why a /21 subnet? Unless this is a BNG controlled subscriber network with split horizon or private VLAN, a /21 means trouble! Can you divide it into several /24 instead? Another approach (not as good, but...) is to have one VLAN but several IP addresses on it, like:
set interfaces irb unit 450 family inet address
set interfaces irb unit 450 family inet address
set interfaces irb unit 450 family inet address
2: If this is indeed a bug, chances are you can circumvent it by trying a different VLAN ID, subnet mask, DHCP server address or similar. Whatever is easy to change, change it! I have been around long enough to see things like this before. Add a /32 static route to your DHCP servers just to try!
3: Why old Junos 20.4R3 and no -Sx-release? This is the recommendation right now: "Latest 21.4R3-Sx". I do understand that upgrading may not always be an option, but if you can, just do it! I'd even try 22.2R[latest]-S[latest] if 21.4 won't work.
Original Message:
Sent: 03-25-2024 10:25
From: jonisccp
Subject: DHCP issue with a /21 network
I have a EX4600 VCP and running forwarding-options dhcp-relay on the irb. So the issue I am experiencing is when the irb network is set to /21, the dhcp-relay doesnt work and no devices are getting an ip addess from the Windows DHCP server. If I set the irb network to /22, /23, or /24, the forwarding-options dhcp-relay is working and devices are getting an ip address from the Windows DHCP server. I am running Junos OS 20.4R3.8. Has anyone run into this isssue. Here is the command I am running. JTAC is stump and not sure what is going on.
set interfaces irb unit 450 family inet address
set forwarding-options dhcp-relay group DHCP_CLIENT interface irb.450
set vlans Guest-Wifi vlan-id 450
set vlans Guest-Wifi l3-interface irb.450