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  • 1.  default export policy for routing protocols

    Posted 10-19-2013 20:50

    Hi every body.


    This is my first post on this forum. My backgrould is in cisco routing but at my new job, I deal with juniper so here I am.


    What is default import and export policy for rip,ospf,bgp,isis?



    Thanks and have a great day.









  • 2.  RE: default export policy for routing protocols
    Best Answer

    Posted 10-19-2013 21:30

  • 3.  RE: default export policy for routing protocols

    Posted 12-12-2013 17:38

    I'm using srx210 and 100H with 12.1, and found Policy Framework documentation like the one you pointed to for 13.1. It says the same that all are advertised/accepted for eBGP neighbor.


    But if I configured like below, it advertised only the matched prefix, Not other directly configured interface subnets. I thought if the route doesn't meet the matching conditions, this case "direct"+"prefix-list", it would skip "then" actions but follow the default policy, which is "allow all". Probably I'm misinterpreting the documentation but wanted to ask somebody.




    protocols {
        bgp {

            group Core-eBGP {
                type external;
                export EXPORT-ROUTE;
                peer-as 65531;
                local-as 64513;

    policy-options {
        prefix-list LocalNets {
        policy-statement EXPORT-ROUTE {
            term export-connected {
                from {
                    protocol direct;
                    prefix-list LocalNets;
                then accept;

  • 4.  RE: default export policy for routing protocols

    Posted 12-12-2013 18:19

    That seems to be expected. See if this explanation and solution helps.

    This is expected behavior since the local routes are not re-advertised to avoid unnecessary redistribution of host routes.  The ideal scenario would be to advertise the subnets which are present in the routing-table as directly connected routes. The output of  "show route x.x.x.x/32 extensive" shows that the route is tagged with NoReadvrt attribute thereby blocking the advertisement.

    This behavior can be modified via the following configurable knob under "routing-options" as seen below:

    jtac@Router-RE0# show routing-options
    interface-routes {
             family inet {
                   export {

  • 5.  RE: default export policy for routing protocols

    Posted 12-13-2013 09:05

    Probably my description was not clear. I didn't mean I was expecting own IPs: /32s to be advertised by default. But other interface subnets, such as (see the bottom for the interface config)

    would be advertised if default action is "accept". To me it's acting as the default is "reject". As a matter of fact, if I removed the prefix-list from the from statement and left only "protocol direct" in the policy, all of these are advertised.

    I'm guessing there are two default behaviors involving this case: 1) default for BGP protocol, and 2) default for policy-statement, which is reject/deny. And in the documentation I so far haven't found section describing 2).





    interfaces {
        ge-0/0/0 {
            description "MGMT Interface - DO NOT DELETE";
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
        ge-0/0/1 {
            description "Internet Path";
            unit 0 {
                family inet {
        fe-0/0/2 {
            unit 0 {
                description "Internal LAN";
                family inet {

