Hi Adek,
I agree that this is a complete disaster - there doesn't appear to have been any real testing with the new solution,
I also have had cases closed with no reason and when I opened a new case and referenced the old one even the engineer who was assigned to both cases couldn't work out why the old case was still closed. We have had RMA's that are under a ND support contract take 3 weeks to get the parts, and all escalations have had no reply.
I have had major dropouts where I get

even when I have other tabs open to the to the site, so I have to refresh the page and lose what I had been typing (OK yes I had started to type a reply and then moved to other applications or tabs to gether data to help fill in what I had been trying to say but that is pathetic.
We have had long time Juniper customers complaining to us that they are not happy with the new portal as they have all sorts of issues - things like buttons appearing for some users and not others that should have the same access.
I have RMA's that have suddenly been re-opened even though they were previously closed with goods having been receipted back to Juiper
I could go on but basically IMHO this change was a disaster and it along with all the hardware shortages is going to bit us all.
Original Message:
Sent: 10-19-2021 04:30
From: Adrian Kowalczyk
Subject: Current Customer Care experience
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to gather some of your experience regarding current Customer Care operations since switching to Apex. What's your opinion?
I have to admit that my main driver for publishing this post is that my current opinion couldn't be lower... I understand that there is a new system in place, but processing a simple RMA for two weeks or closing tickets with false and absurd statements is slowly becoming an everyday thing. And good luck escalating any of that via normal channels.
If any of Juniper guys are reading this pls act now, before it becomes unbearable for us Juniper partners to operate.
P.S. I am willing to share details with anyone from Juniper that is interested...
Adrian Kowalczyk