Innovators Circle

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last person joined: 26 days ago 

A research-driven circle where members share feedback to help impact Juniper's direction. Members gain opportunities for rewards through e-gift cards and exclusive content. To become a member, simply click “Join Community” and follow the quick prompts.
  • 1.  Congratulations to our Top Contributors!

    Posted 10-18-2023 14:49
    As we head into the last quarter of the year, Juniper's Innovators Circle (IC) team would like to honor members like yourself for contributing so avidly over the past few months. Your input in IC studies has been conveyed to Juniper's key decision makers, and your concerns and priorities have helped shape Juniper's various products and programs. 
    In particular, we want to recognize our most active and enthusiastic contributors.
    (In alphabetical order)
    1. Aaron Gould, Senior Network Engineer at GVTC (Elevate username: aaron.gould)
    2. Amit Gumber, Senior Consultant at HCL America (Elevate username: amitgumber)
    3. Angelo Chuang, T8 Support at Unitech
    4. Atul Torne, Sr. Manager at NTT Global Networks (Elevate username:
    5. David Milton, T8 Network Architect at DMilton Consulting
    6. Gavin White, Lead Engineer at Brightnet (Elevate username:
    7. Jeremy Spring, Director of IT (Elevate username: jspring)
    8. Jim Burke, Network Engineer at Jacobs Technology (Elevate username:
    9. Joshua Rhoden, Network Security Architect at Southeastern University (Elevate username:
    10. Juie Thomas, T8 Assistant Manager - Cloud at Sify
    11. Leonardo Gama Souza, Technical Specialist at NEC (Elevate username: leonardogama)
    12. Mark Turner, Solutions Architect at Communications Design & Management Pty Limited (Elevate username: junosdude)
    13. Mark Weijers, Network Infrastructure Architect at / Ubisoft (Elevate username: markw)
    14. Massimiliano Galizia, Solution Engineer at Maticmind SpA (Elevate username: massimiliano.galizia)
    15. Matt Christian, Head of IT at Merced Capital (Elevate username: mattchristian)
    16. Matt Fisher, Sr. IT Security Architect at Everence (Elevate username: mrfish)
    17. Matthew Henderson, Network Services Manager at Boise Cascade (Elevate username: mdhtbm)
    18. Michael Carey, Senior Solutions Architect at ConvergeOne (Elevate username: mcarey)
    19. Michael Dieter, Senior Systems Engineer at Loyola University Maryland (Elevate username: mdieter1)
    20. Mikhail Tchoubko, Lead Network Design Specialist at Kinder Morgan (Elevate username:
    21. Neeraj Pandey, VP at Vodafone (Elevate username: NPANDEY70)
    22. Praveen Verma, Technical Account Manager at Zscaler (Elevate username:
    23. Ruslan Tairov, Sr. Engineer at Delta Telecom LTD (Elevate username: Ruslan)
    24. Stephane Deglin, Network and Security Architect at Thales (Elevate username:
    25. Steve Hawken, Network Architect at 2talk (Elevate username: stevehawken)
    26. Steve Layton,T8 Senior System Design and Architect Engineer at NTT DATA Inc.
    27. Steve Puluka, IP Architect at DQE Communications (Elevate username: spuluka)
    28. Wade Arenberg, Sr. Network Manager at Area Cooperative Educational Services (Elevate username:
    Thank you all so much for your participation in the Innovators Circle! We could not do what we do without you.
    The Innovators Circle Community

    Kyla Jiayi Zhao

  • 2.  RE: Congratulations to our Top Contributors!

    Posted 10-19-2023 10:37

    Thank you Kyla and everyone from Juniper community.

  • 3.  RE: Congratulations to our Top Contributors!

    Posted 10-19-2023 19:59

    This long running Juniper program is a great example of how they solicit and appreciate customer feedback.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 4.  RE: Congratulations to our Top Contributors!

    Posted 10-30-2023 08:48

    So glad to be part of a group of intelligent and generous people.  Thanks for all you do for me and each other.  🙏👍👏

    - Aaron