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  • 1.  configure uplink ports as VC ports

    Posted 10-05-2018 05:45

    Hello Juniper community 


    how can I use the uplink ports 0 and 1 as a VC ports 

    I know that the ports number 2 and 3 are by default the VC-port but my clients request to use the ports 

    0 and 1 as VC-ports for his VC.

    I have read alot of documentation but i didnt find an example of how to do it!

    all i found is the command root> request virtual-chassis vc-port

    but i dont know how to go from there.

    and how to make the ports number 2 and 3 a normal Xe ports

    I would appreciate the help and thank you for reading,


  • 2.  RE: configure uplink ports as VC ports

    Posted 10-06-2018 08:35

    The general process here is not simply about port configuration but creating what is called the Virtual Chassis.  The details vary depending on the switch models.


    There are restrictions on which switch models could be mixed or combined into a single virtual chassis.


    There are restrictions on which models can use which ports as the virtual chassis ports.


    How many switches of which models are you connecting?

    How is the switch topology going to be connected?


    Some examples:





  • 3.  RE: configure uplink ports as VC ports

    Posted 10-07-2018 13:54

    the Switchs are EX3300 ina a normal ring VS topology.

    I want to configure the ports 0 and 1 for the VS instead of of 2 and 3

  • 4.  RE: configure uplink ports as VC ports

    Posted 10-08-2018 01:49

    Assuming you are talking about the 4 uplink ports on the far right of the switch that is permitted.




  • 5.  RE: configure uplink ports as VC ports
    Best Answer

    Posted 10-08-2018 04:04

    so I found the soultion 

    in order to use the Ports number 0 and 1 for a VC instead of 2 and 3

    you need to run the following commands

    root> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 0

    root> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 1

    root> request virtual-chassis vc-port delete pic-slot 1 port 2

    root> request virtual-chassis vc-port delete pic-slot 1 port 3

    now you can use the ports 0 and 1 for VC