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Compatibility issue between Juniper SSR IPFix records and Broadcom DX NetOps (NFA)

  • 1.  Compatibility issue between Juniper SSR IPFix records and Broadcom DX NetOps (NFA)

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 05-22-2024 11:13
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous


    I exported IPFix data from a Juniper SSR router to a Broadcom NFA .  The NFA is supposed  to support IPFIX  if it complies with the standards for NetFlow v9. 

    This link shows the fields required by NFA : set-up-the-routers

    And this link shows the fields that the SSR exports : ipfix-field-formats

    The trouble is that the exported data includes additional fields of variable length which the NFA cannot handle. 

    Is there  some way to filter the fields before they are exported to the NFA or is there another export template which  needs to be used on the SSR?  And if yes, how to configure this?