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Ask questions and share experiences with Juniper’s Cloud-Native Contrail Networking (CN2).

Get started with CN2 on Minikube

  • 1.  Get started with CN2 on Minikube

    Posted 06-09-2022 16:32

    CN2 is our new cloud-native edition of Contrail Networking, focused on Kubernetes networking for single and multiple clusters. If you haven't already I would encourage you to check out James Kelly post introducing CN2 to the community

    CN2 is lightweight and easy to install, I have it running on my Macbook using minikube.  To get started you will need access to the container registry,  which you can request from the CN2 free trial  and an environment to run minikube.  Once you have access to the registry, you can perform container image pulls from the container runtime in Kubernetes. Other CN2 downloads are available on the Juniper download site  for Contrail Networking using versions 22.1+. Access to the download site is available for existing customers, and by request. Here you will find the helm chart for the CN2 analytics package, and other downloads like the CN2 plug-in for the Lens GUI, when it has graduated beta. 

    If you are new to CN2 or even Kubernetes, you will surely want to start with our CN2 GitHub repository  where you will also find a deployer and guide for minikube. With minikube you can run Kubernetes and CN2 right on your own laptop (x86-architecture CPUs only at this time). If you're familiar with Kubernetes, then feel free to try CN2 in any K8s environment you like so long as you respect the terms of the trial, limiting deployment to non-production and clusters of 10 nodes or less. The CN2 documentation also describes how to deploy a larger cluster or multicuster setup, and we plan on adding additional guides over time with automated deployment on the cloud for trial use. 


    Please share any questions and feedback you have with us. 

    Thank you, 

    The CN2 Product Team 


    Shean Leigon