If I understand this correctly, you have this extended ACL called upon in a route-map which is used in BGP import policy, in order for control-plane filtering.
In that case, direct conversion of ACLs between Cisco and Juniper is not feasible.
You need to write policy in the place of Firewall (Junos term for ACL).
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term CONN from route-filter x.x.x.x/y exact
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term CONN then origin igp
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term CONN then community set COM1
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term CONN then accept
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term STATIC from route-filter z.z.z.z/y exact
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term STATIC then community set COM2
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term STATIC then community add COM3
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term STATIC then community add COM4
set policy-options policy-statement BGP-import term STATIC then accept
set policy-options community COM1 members 5005:20
set policy-options community COM2 members 5005:0
set policy-options community COM3 members 5005:20000
set policy-options community COM4 members 5005:20050
Please let know if you need any further help.