I'm running a network of MX480's with 9.2R3.5.
The MX is reporting all interfaces that are not configured as being down as they are Admin up by default. This is showing up on an SNMP get and can be seen in show interface terse.
Is there a way to change this so that by default any non-configured interface is Admin-down ?
The "get-around" now is to create all interfaces and disable them however this is time consuming and add's all interfaces to config.
I've tried using groups but this only applies the disable command to configured interfaces and secondly I can't see a way to "enable" selective interfaces with this group appiled globally.
I'm sure I'm not the first to have this problem, however I searched here for similar threads to no avil.
Message Edited by Ribo on 06-03-2009 01:58 PM
Message Edited by Ribo on 06-03-2009 02:01 PM