Hi Lydia,
You may also be asking about the Select On-Demand Modules, which are pulled directly from the parent recommended course(s). Those are also displayed in the images Pradeep included in his reply (#3).
For JNCIS-SP exam prep for example, we include access to select, free modules from the JIR, JEX, and JMF courses. Note these modules do not include lab access, but they do include video walkthroughs of all lab tasks and how to complete them.
Adam Rabidoux
Juniper Networks Certification Program
Original Message:
Sent: 11-22-2021 04:29
From: Pradeep Gadde
Subject: Can't find full-length course videos from JunosGenius
Hi Lydia,
In the new home, they are called Certification Preparation Video Series.
Here is the direct link for the JNCIS-SP exam
We can access these from the Learning Portal Home page as below:
Pradeep Gadde
Original Message:
Sent: 11-20-2021 12:38
Subject: Can't find full-length course videos from JunosGenius
It's been a while, so this might not be precise but way back when in the days of JunosGenius I do remember watching what seemed like full length courses videos of, in my case I think SP specialist and SP professional course materials (though presumably there were similar videos for other tracks) on JunosSpace. I think the video consisted of a man in plain clothes standing against dark background and diagramming network details on a transparent board in front of him as he presented the material. I think he was bold and had some sort of maybe Australian acccent. Haha, this is the best I can do.
I thought the videos were great and I would love to watch them again. But I cannot seem to find them in the maze of the new combined for free and for pay Juniper Learning resources website. Does anyone recognize the courses I am describing? Where can I find these videos now?