Hi Ironman,
you'll need to go to /usr/netscreen/GuiSvr/utils
run .xdbViewEdit.sh
you'll be prompted to open in read only mode
you need to edit, so select no.
Then from the menu
1. Display all domains with domain-id
2. Display all category names
3. Display tuples in a category across all domains
4. Display tuples in a category for a single domain
5. View/Edit record by category.doc-id
6. View/Edit record by domain-id.category.tuple-name
7. View/Edit record by domain-id.category.tuple-id
8. View Reference DB
9. Change DB version (Disabled in RW mode)
10. Insert a record by domain-id.category
11. Delete a record by domain-id.category.tuple-id
12. Quit
Enter choice number: 4
Enter domain and category name in domain-id.category format: 0.blockedIPList
You should get something like
Tuples for category blockedIPList
domain-id object-id
_________ _________
0 0
so my blocked ip is listed above, to remove it
<esc> : q to get back to the menu
then from the menu
11. Delete a record by domain-id.category.tuple-id
12. Quit
Enter choice number: 11
Enter tuple-name in format domain-id.category.tuple-id: 0.blockedIPList.0
Deleted tuple 0.blockedIPList.0
Hit ENTER or return to continue...
(my entry was 0 0 for domain and object id)
now 12 to exit
and it should now be unlocked for your ip again.
If there are muliple IP's then take the object id next to the ip you need to unblock.
Kind regards