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  • 1.  BGP sessions between the EVPN VXLAN fabric with end-hosts (e.g. VMs)

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 05-16-2023 10:29
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hi Community,

    I was wondering if anyone had previous experiences with creating BGP sessions between the VXLAN EVPN Fabric and end-user hosts (e.g. VMs). And if there are any design best practices regarding this topic in an ERB design.

    For example, one could create the BGP sessions with the nearest leaves the VM is placed. Except that the VM itself could be moved to another place (with other leaves) and than the previously connected BGP session are not the best flow to reach the VM.  In this instance new BGP sessions should be created to provide the fastest flow.

    For the ones that want to understand the purpose of the BGP session: the team wants to inject an Anycast IP into the fabric to provide high availability and make use of the nearest VM. And when the VM is down (e.g. for maintenance) the BGP route is withdrawn and thus the destined traffic is routed to another Anycast IP. 

    Kind regards

  • 2.  RE: BGP sessions between the EVPN VXLAN fabric with end-hosts (e.g. VMs)

    Posted 06-01-2023 11:37

    Hi Guys, 

    Kindly refer to the below document: 

    Vikas Dhawan

    Vikas Dhawan