It is not very clear whether an OR or AND operation perform when there are multiple bgp communities are used in a term and each one has more than one member (example below). Appreciate if someone can clarify it.
set policy-options policy-statement My-Term term term 40 from community community-111
set policy-options policy-statement My-Term term term 40 from community community-112
set policy-options policy-statement My-Term term term 40 from community community-113
set policy-options policy-statement My-Term term term 40 then metric 20
set policy-options policy-statement My-Term term term 40 then community set community-no-export
set policy-options policy-statement My-Term term term 40 then accept
set policy-options community community-111 members 111:222
set policy-options community community-111 members 111:333
set policy-options community community-112 members 112:222
set policy-options community community-112 members 112:333
set policy-options community community-113 members 113:222
set policy-options community community-113 members 113:333