Hi Surya,
Both sides look the same.
> show bfd session address 2001:xxx:x:xx4:: extensive
Detect Transmit
Address State Interface Time Interval Multiplier
2001:xxx:x:xx4:: Down 0.000 1.000 3
Client BGP, TX interval 0.300, RX interval 0.300
Local diagnostic None, remote diagnostic None
Remote state AdminDown, version 1
Min async interval 0.300, min slow interval 1.000
Adaptive async TX interval 0.300, RX interval 0.300
Local min TX interval 1.000, minimum RX interval 0.300, multiplier 3
Remote min TX interval 0.000, min RX interval 0.000, multiplier 0
Local discriminator 297, remote discriminator 0
Echo mode disabled/inactive, no-absorb, no-refresh
Multi-hop route table 0, local-address 2001:xxx:x:xx2::
Session ID: 0x47761
1 sessions, 1 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 1.0 pps, cumulative receive rate 0.0 pps
> show bfd session address 2001:xxx:x:xx2:: extensive
Detect Transmit
Address State Interface Time Interval Multiplier
2001:xxx:x:xx2:: Down 0.000 1.000 3
Client BGP, TX interval 0.300, RX interval 0.300
Local diagnostic None, remote diagnostic None
Remote state AdminDown, version 1
Min async interval 0.300, min slow interval 1.000
Adaptive async TX interval 0.300, RX interval 0.300
Local min TX interval 1.000, minimum RX interval 0.300, multiplier 3
Remote min TX interval 0.000, min RX interval 0.000, multiplier 0
Local discriminator 946, remote discriminator 0
Echo mode disabled/inactive, no-absorb, no-refresh
Multi-hop route table 0, local-address 2001:xxx:x:xx4::
Session ID: 0x3e801
1 sessions, 1 clients
Cumulative transmit rate 1.0 pps, cumulative receive rate 0.0 pps
The firewall filter does allow both 3784 and 4784
term allowed-bfd-for-bgp-sources-ipv6 {
from {
source-prefix-list {
next-header udp;
destination-port [ 3784 4784 ];
then accept;
They did come up once had been up for a while before they went down and stayed down.