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Apstra 4.2.1 in eve-ng step-by-step series: Video 8. DCI Addendum: Direct Peering

  • 1.  Apstra 4.2.1 in eve-ng step-by-step series: Video 8. DCI Addendum: Direct Peering

    Posted 02-11-2024 10:03
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    Video: 8. DCI Addendum: Direct Peering - Apstra 4.2.1 in eve-ng

    Video hashtag: #4.2.1_eve_video-8

    I created this video as a direct result of viewer request. While building a physical lab with a higher-ed customer, and lacking spare L3 devices to provide OTT DCI connectivity, it was readily apparent that the DCI would need to be direct between fabric devices.

    Considering this use-case, I found it to be compelling and put together these instructions.

    In this video, we will add a direct link between our spines for DCI. While the workflow is similar to OTT DCI, it is not the same. Because each fabric is treated as a separate entity, using an IP pool for external connectivity results in a transit net (/31) being assigned to the blueprint you're working on. This means one IP assigned to the local blueprint, and the other IP reserved.

    This reservation prevents us from assigning the IP to the other fabric, so instead, we skip the pool and manually assign a unique transit net!

    As always, I'll take you through the steps which include using Time Voyager to restore the lab to its starting state (in case you want to test this, but revert back to just OTT DCI). 

    Thank you for watching!

    Colin Doyle
    Lead BizDev Manager - Security Strategy
    Juniper Networks


    8-slides.pptx   7.46 MB 1 version