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Apstra 4.2.1 in eve-ng step-by-step series: Video 10. Connecting to the Internet

  • 1.  Apstra 4.2.1 in eve-ng step-by-step series: Video 10. Connecting to the Internet

    Posted 02-22-2024 19:29
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    Video: 10. Connecting to the Internet - Apstra 4.2.1 in eve-ng

    Video hashtag: #4.2.1_eve_video-10

    It's the penultimate video and we're not even going to touch Apstra or our fabric!

    More than any other video, our focus is going to be on concepts rather than execution. I'll be taking you through the steps that I am using in my own lab to connect my hosts to the public Internet. These steps are designed around my home lab network and the existing connectivity that network has to the Internet. Since your own home lab is likely different than mine, I'll do my best to convey the Intent of the work I do so you can adapt these steps to fit your situation.

    In short, focus on the "why" and not so much on the "how".

    Trust me, it's worth it to see that first browser window come up on a host in your lab.

    Thank you for watching!

    Colin Doyle
    Lead BizDev Manager - Security Strategy
    Juniper Networks


    10-slides.pptx   3.52 MB 1 version