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  • 1.  Any System Events Available for SSH Issues?

    Posted 02-03-2016 12:36



    When I SSH to a device I get this message:


    ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host


    Is there any Event that's triggered when this error occurs?




  • 2.  RE: Any System Events Available for SSH Issues?

    Posted 02-04-2016 01:59

    Hi rais@Darden,



    You should probably get an "SSHD_LOGIN_FAILED" message, though its not specific to this error .

  • 3.  RE: Any System Events Available for SSH Issues?

    Posted 02-04-2016 07:59

    Is there any event that can be triggered at will e.g. at regular intervals of e.g 48 hours?



  • 4.  RE: Any System Events Available for SSH Issues?
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-04-2016 10:46

    You can use "generate_event" to create your own regularly-scheduled named event.  Then, create a policy that "does something" whenevery your event fires.  Like so:


    event-options {
        generate-event {
            MY_DAILY_EVENT time-interval 86400;
        policy MY_POLICY {
            events MY_DAILY_EVENT;
            then {
                event-script my-nutty-event-script.slax  {
                    arguments {
                        arg1 hello;
                        arg2 world;
        event-script {
           file my-nutty-event-script.slax;

    You don't *have* to use an event script in the "then" clause.  You can use "execute-commands", "change-configuratino" etc as needed.    


    Is that what you're asking ?



  • 5.  RE: Any System Events Available for SSH Issues?

    Posted 02-04-2016 12:28

    Yes, that's what I was asking.


  • 6.  RE: Any System Events Available for SSH Issues?

    Posted 02-04-2016 12:41

    Excellent!  Glad to help.


    FWIW, you can also check out  an article I wrote about a year or so ago that mentions that technique. ("Approach 1")




    I know it says "Cordelia"  is author, but it's mine. 😉    If you read all the way to the end, you'll see author attribution