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  • 1.  100G MTP patchcord polarity for QFX with PSM4

    Posted 01-17-2019 14:42

    Dear experts.


    Is there somebody able confirm my finding  that 12 fiber MTP/MTP single mode patchcord polarity B (crossover,rollout) is the right polarity type to connect QFX switches back-to-back 100GE using JNP-QSFP-100G-PSM4 transceivers please?


    It is bit asking for kind nod because RX/TX need to swap on both ends.


    Thank you


  • 2.  RE: 100G MTP patchcord polarity for QFX with PSM4
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-18-2019 09:16

    Hi all.


    I confirmed via e-shop of one fiber optic vendor (parametric filter search) the 12 fiber MTP/MTP single mode patchcord polarity B (crossover,rollout)  is indeed the correct polarity patchcord for connecting QFX switches back-to-back 100GE using JNP-QSFP-100G-PSM4 transceivers.


    Nice day to all of you.