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  • Maybe this will help you: - name: Run Juniper configuration commands. junipernetworks.junos.junos_command: commands: - configure private - edit system syslog - replace pattern x.x.x.x with y.y.y.y - commit and-quit but change ...

  • I'm trying to accomplish this in a playbook using juniper_junos_config, but "replace" is not accepted as a "lines". tasks: - name: Run Juniper configuration commands. juniper_junos_config: timeout: 120 load: set ...

  • Hi, You can use something like this: ansible junos_host -m junipernetworks.junos.junos_config -a '{"lines": ["replace pattern old.old.old.old with"]}' But be careful: it will replace all occurrences of "old.old.old.old" with "". ...

  • Is there anyway to use Ansible to make configuration changes via the "replace pattern" command? I want to use Ansible to make the same change to multiple devices, which is a simple "replace pattern" under a specific stanza. Basically I want to change ...

  • Did some digging and found that the issue was with the interpreter VSCode was using. Once I changed the interpreter and ensured all of the packages were installed against it, I was able to run my playbook. Thanks for the quick and details responses Andy! ...

    1 person recommends this.
  • Thanks Jessica.

  • Please provide the output from the following command: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/bin/python3.12 -m pip freeze | grep junos I suspect that you have multiple installations of Python3 on your system, one has jnpr-pyez installed, ...


  • JNCIA-DEVOPS Exam Overview webcast

    Sign-up for the upcoming #free expert-led online webcast on Automation & DevOps #JNCIA-DEVOPS certification and gain an understanding on #automation tools and associated best practices. Get a chance to get your questions answered live by our expert Jordan Head.

    Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 8 AM PST

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