I'm having this same issue too.
[root@centos6 junos_python_scripts]# python2.7 dev_facts.py
No handlers could be found for logger "ncclient.transport.ssh"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dev_facts.py", line 7, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jnpr/junos/device.py", line 787, in open
raise cnx_err
jnpr.junos.exception.ConnectError: ConnectError(host:, msg: 'EntryPoint' object has no attribute 'resolve')
And I did this to fix it:
pip install --upgrade distribute
Here is the new output
[root@centos6 junos_python_scripts]# python2.7 dev_facts.py
{'2RE': False,
'HOME': '/cf/root',
'RE0': {'last_reboot_reason': '0x1:power cycle/failure',
'model': 'RE-SRX210H',
'status': 'OK',
'up_time': '180 days, 21 hours, 11 minutes, 11 seconds'},
'domain': None,
'fqdn': 'homefwsrx210',
'hostname': 'homefwsrx210',
'ifd_style': 'CLASSIC',
'model': 'SRX210H',
'personality': 'SRX_BRANCH',
'serialnumber': 'XXX',
'srx_cluster': False,
'switch_style': 'VLAN',
'vc_capable': False,
'version': '12.1X46-D40.2',
'version_info': junos.version_info(major=(12, 1), type=X, minor=(46, 'D', 40), build=2)}
[root@centos6 junos_python_scripts]#