I am trying to port an IOS-XE BNG config over to Junos.
I have an entry on my cisco which states:
aaa group server radius FREERADIUS
server-private auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 timeout 3 retransmit 2
ip radius source-interface Loopback20
attribute nas-port format d
throttle accounting 100 access 100 access-timeout 3
I can see that the NAS port format d is PPPoX
NAS-Port format. Possible values for the format argument are as follows:
- a--Standard NAS-Port format
- b--Extended NAS-Port format
- c--Carrier-based format
- d--PPPoX (PPP over Ethernet or PPP over ATM) extended NAS-Port format
- e--C onfigurable NAS-Port format
Does anyone know what the equivalent command is on Junos?
also in that piece of code there is a domain-stripping entry.
I have seen on junos a domain-map that can allow me to strip the domain name
domain {
map default {
But this seems to be at a global level rather than per radius server/group
many thanks