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  • 1.  SVI for same VLAN across switches

    Posted 09-18-2022 06:43
    First off, sorry if my question sounds very silly as I'm a newbie … I have two EX4500 switches, both have VLAN10 allowed through trunks. I need RVI for inter-VLAN routing on both switches. Nodes connected to these VLAN ports will use this IP as their default gateway. Now, what is the process? Do I set same IP on RVIs on both switches?

    Zeead Tanjim

  • 2.  RE: SVI for same VLAN across switches

    Posted 09-18-2022 06:45
    You would only need one RVI to become the default gateway per vlan.

    If you wanted redundancy if the two switches are not in a virtual chassis you would need to create two interfaces with different ip addresses and use VRRP for the default gateway assignment and failover.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)