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  • 1.  commit

    Posted 10-09-2019 19:48

    hi all,

    1-) Why there is a difference between ">show system rollback compare 5 6" and  ">show system rollback compare 6 5"



    2-) In order to find what change occured at the number 6, what exact command should be used?

    >show system commit






    6 2019-07-18 09:25:23 Eux by CUTO01 via cli


  • 2.  RE: commit

    Posted 10-09-2019 19:56



    You may try this 


    labroot@springwater> edit
    Entering configuration mode

    labroot@springwater# rollback 6
    load complete

    labroot@springwater# show | compare

    here you will see the config 


    Then do a rollback and exit ,which will not commit rollback 6 command 

    labroot@springwater# rollback
    load complete

    labroot@springwater# exit
    Exiting configuration mode

  • 3.  RE: commit

    Posted 10-09-2019 19:59

    Or you can use below command as well to dsplay the config change 


    labroot@springwater> show system rollback 5 compare 6

  • 4.  RE: commit

    Posted 10-09-2019 20:42

    Answering your first question, 




    This command shows the configuration commit change between 5 and 6 


    show system rollback 5 compare 6   > This show what was commmit in 5 compared with 6 ( in below example filter was deativated in the commit )


    show system rollback 6 compare 5 > This shows what was commit in 6 compared with 5 ( in below example filter was ativated in the commit )


    labroot@springwater> show system rollback 5 compare 6
    [edit interfaces ae2 unit 0 family inet filter]
    ! inactive: input { ... }
    [edit interfaces ae2 unit 0 family inet6 filter]
    ! inactive: input { ... }

    labroot@springwater> show system rollback 6 compare 5
    [edit interfaces ae2 unit 0 family inet filter]
    ! active: input { ... }
    [edit interfaces ae2 unit 0 family inet6 filter]
    ! active: input { ... }


    Thank you



  • 5.  RE: commit
    Best Answer

    Posted 10-10-2019 01:01

    "In order to find what change occured at the number 6, what exact command should be used?" - you'll need to compare it with the previous configuration that was present (e.g. was committed during the previous commit). In your case, it will be commit #7, and the correct answer is "show system rollback compare 7 6".


    This example should make it clear - let's see what was committed during the last commit (#0):

    user@mx# set interfaces lo0.0 description test1
    user@mx# commit and-quit
    commit complete
    Exiting configuration mode
    user@mx> show system commit
    0   2019-10-10 09:48:28 CEST by user via cli
    1   2019-10-08 11:32:30 CEST by root via other
    user@mx> show system rollback compare 1 0
    [edit interfaces lo0 unit 0]
    +    description test1;

    Best regards,



    Please accept the solution if your problem is resolved Smiley Happy


  • 6.  RE: commit

    Posted 10-10-2019 02:01

    What about >show system rollback compare 0 1? Can you show result?

  • 7.  RE: commit

    Posted 10-10-2019 02:13

    Here it is:

    user@mx> show system rollback compare 0 1
    [edit interfaces lo0 unit 0]
    - description test1;

    The delta shown should be applied (description removed) to the first argument - configuration commit #0 in order to get the second argument - configuration commit #1.


    Best regards,



    Please accept the solution if your problem is resolved Smiley Happy


  • 8.  RE: commit

    Posted 10-10-2019 03:56

    Hello Arix,


    Thanks for kudos, much appreciated.

    Can you please also accept one of the posts as the solution, if now everythign is clear for you? It will mark this question as answered and help other community users find the solution faster should they have the same query.


    Best regards,



    Please accept the solution if your problem is resolved
