@HDawood and other the -T ending in any SKU generally means TAA - https://gsa.federalschedules.com/resources/taa-designated-countries/. This is somewhat equal to "made in the USA". This is a requirement for all Federal Government purchases, and SKUs with the -T designation are generally reserved for Fed Gov purchases. There is an additional cost for -T SKUs, so most people outside of Fed Gov do not purchase SKUs with this designation.
BTW, an AFO or AFI SKU can be converted to opposite air flow, buy purchasing new PS and Fans of the right flow and performing a swap. It is best, and less costly, to determine and order the right air flow day 1.
For normal connections, if the connections are from users, generally running via a patch panel, those connections generally face the cold aisle, so AFO (cold in intefaces side, air out PS side) is proper choice. If the connections are from Servers, then the physical connection for the server itself faces the hot aisle, so that cold ait flow enters and exists server properly. In the case the switch interface is side is just the opposite or facing hot aisle. So in this situation you want cold air pulled in on PS side (AFI) and out interface side, matching the air flow for the servers. This assumes servers and switches are in the same cabinet, which is often the case.