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  • 1.  JFlow License on MX960

    Posted 11-24-2021 05:49

    Regarding post:
    It was mentioned for having 1:1 Netflow we need to purchase  S-ACCT-JFLOW-CHASSIS 
    Some questions:
    1- Do we need to purchase  S-JFLOW-CH-MX960 and S-ACCT-JFLOW-CHASSIS  or just the latter is enough?
    2- Consider we have a setup with  4xMPC7E cards,
     a. Is this license enough for all of them?
     b. If we add another MPC for example an MPC10C, then do we need to change this license or purchase an additional one?

    Thank you

    Ali Soltan

  • 2.  RE: JFlow License on MX960

    Posted 11-24-2021 12:57
    Hi Ali,

    this depends a bit on your approach after receiving input previously posts regarding the old licensing vs. flex licensing.

    Flex premium licenses/subscriptions includes 1:1 inline J-flow (ref. figure 1 on https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/license/licensing/topics/concept/flex-licenses-for-mx-and-service-cards.html) - so if you intend to purchase MPC7e with flex subscriptions, I expect going with premium will be cheapest way.

    If you MPC7e's are on the old BASE, -IR or -R license then you go for 1 x S-ACCT-JFLOW-CHASSIS (+ support) as this license covers 1:1 inline j-flow for the entire chassis no matter how many MPCs you have installed. As mentioned in my previous response, break-even for the chassis based license is 3 MPCs.

    Just to summarize your questions as well:

    1- Do we need to purchase  S-JFLOW-CH-MX960 and S-ACCT-JFLOW-CHASSIS  or just the latter is enough?
    No only one of them. S-JFLOW-CH-MX960 is for sampled j-flow export, where S-ACCT-JFLOW-CHASSIS is the 1:1 inline j-flow (which obviously also includes sampled if you want this).

    2- Consider we have a setup with  4xMPC7E cards,
     a. Is this license enough for all of them?
    Yes - the license is for the entire MX chassis.

     b. If we add another MPC for example an MPC10C, then do we need to change this license or purchase an additional one?
    As it is a chassis-wide license, all new MPCs will be covered by this as a rule of thumb... but as MPC10e's are only available in the flex subscription model, then premium license/subscription will include 1:1 inline J-flow as well.

    I *can* be that it will create issues later on, having S-ACCT-JFLOW-CHASSIS license and a MPC10e only with advanced license/subscription. I can foresee a scenario where license enforcement logic won't allow 1:1 inline J-flow if you only have the flex advanced license/subscription and not considering the fact that you have the chassis-based license beside (the chassis license is not onboarded into the flex program...). This part is just my general experience/observation - cannot say for sure if it will become an issue. But if your MPCs will be with premium flex subscription/license, it doesn't matter.

    I hope this clarifies.

    Jonas Hauge Klingenberg - Juniper Ambassador

  • 3.  RE: JFlow License on MX960

    Posted 11-27-2021 07:49
    Dear Jonas 
    Thank you for the detailed reponse..
    Regarding the last part of your answer:
    Suppose I have this scenario:
    We have 3xMPC7E with -RB license and  S-ACCT-JFLOW-CHASSIS license on the chassis and later I buy 2xMPC10E with P1 license. What will happen in that case?
    Will I use 1:1 Netflow on MPC7E-RB cards?
    Thank you

    Ali Soltan

  • 4.  RE: JFlow License on MX960

    Posted 11-29-2021 05:33
    Can you please help me out?
    Thank you

    Ali Soltan

  • 5.  RE: JFlow License on MX960
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-29-2021 05:34
    Hi Ali,

    You're welcome.

    In your described scenario it should not be a problem, as the MPC7E -R MPCs have license for 1:1 netflow via the S-ACCT-JFLOW-CHASSIS license and the MPC10E's are covered via the Premium/P1 flex license.

    The scenario where I could see issues would be where you are mixing the old licensing scheme with flex and you only purchase the advanced tier for your MPC10E's... there you wouldn't be allowed to use 1:1 netflow on your MPC10E's but on the other hand, the chassis will be covered with the old license scheme - mixing/migrating licensing schemes are always a potential for cornercase problems :-)

    In your case where you intend to use Premium/P1 licenses on your MPC10E's, I don't see an issue.

    Jonas Hauge Klingenberg - Juniper Ambassador