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  • 1.  can`t add my juniper EX3300 switch to librenms through snmp

    Posted 03-17-2020 07:17

    Hi all

    i know its just snmp configuration but for some reason it is not working for me ,so maybe you can help me 

    i have a bit complicated setup : i setup librenms on EC2 on aws cloud ,and i`m trying to add my datacenter switch throgh its management ip address but my managment network is completly isloated from AWS traffic so i had to nat the traffic and i`m allowing all traffic on my firewall and i`m allowing all udp traffic on the EC2 

    The ping from librenms is working and im able to add the switch by using only ping 

    but when i try to add the switch using snmp ,i can`t and i get the error message ` Could not connect to sw1, please check the snmp details and snmp reachability`and ` SNMP v2c: No reply with community private`

    here is the configuration of snmp v2 on sw1

    view all {
    oid .1;
    community private {
    view all;
    authorization read-write;
    trap-group spacenet {
    targets {

    Can you please help me on by pointing out if there is something i need to check or add on the switch configuration ?does anyone knows how to check snmp reachability on the switch (other than wireshark }?

  • 2.  RE: can`t add my juniper EX3300 switch to librenms through snmp

    Posted 03-17-2020 17:17

    Hi ,


    Could you please attach the complete SNMP configuration ,

    and give the below information :

    > are you able to ping the switch from the snmp server 

    > when you run the SNMP test on the monitoring tool what is the status 

    > are the community string used correct 


    Regards ,


  • 3.  RE: can`t add my juniper EX3300 switch to librenms through snmp

    Posted 03-18-2020 05:19

    Hi ,

    Thank you for helping me out 

    let me first answer your questions 

    -are you able to ping the switch from the snmp server ? yeah the ping works fine and i`m able to add the device to the snmp server  using just ping

    -when you run the SNMP test on the monitoring tool what is the status ? when i try to add the device through snmp(adding device is the only snmp test i did) ,i got the errors `Could not connect to space-sw, please check the snmp details and snmp reachability`

    -are the community string used correct ? yes 

    for the configuration i`m testing with two switches (same model EX3300) but one with V2C snmp configuration and one with v3

    here is the snmp v2c config:

    {master:0}[edit snmp]
    msaidani@space-sw1# show
    view all {
    oid .1;
    community private {
    view all;
    authorization read-write;
    trap-options {
    trap-group spacenet {
    version v2;
    targets {;

    and here is the snmp v3 config:

    v3 {
    usm {
    local-engine {
    user cacti {
    authentication-sha {
    authentication-key "$9$dGsYoJGDHkP4oZjiHmPhSyreW7Nb4oGSr24ZG q.IEhcevLX-ws4XxDiH.5T/Ctp0IrevMLxcSeWx7Vbz3n/uOEcyleWFnvW8LN-jHkqQFtuOBRh9CKM8X bwqmP5T3CA01Ec9CWLNdsYJGDj"; ## SECRET -DATA
    privacy-aes128 {
    privacy-key "$9$eVKvX7s24oGDVbP5Qz6/lKvL-Vs24oZUSrK8xNbwgoJZ k.5T3pO1zFhSrlLXGDjHP5z36pO1zFvWLxws4aZUqmF3901RHq0BEhrlgoaJGi5QF3/CmPSrKMXxDiHk TzCA0Ehrqmfz3/tp8XxdVYaJDjk"; ## SECRET-DATA
    vacm {
    security-to-group {
    security-model usm {
    security-name cacti {
    group readonlygroup;
    access {
    group readonlygroup {
    default-context-prefix {
    security-model usm {
    security-level privacy {
    read-view readonly;
    target-address librenms {
    port 161;
    target-parameters test;

    please note that between snmp server and those switches,there is a firewall ,i allowed everything from the snmp server to switches (or let`s say from snmp server to the nat address i`m using to nat the traffic between the snmp server and the switches )

    i`m also attaching a screenshot of web interface of adding the device on the snmp server (the ip address on the screeshot is the nat address i used it to nat/redirect the traffic )

    please let me know if you need further informationsnmp-add.PNG

  • 4.  RE: can`t add my juniper EX3300 switch to librenms through snmp
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-18-2020 07:31

    issue resolved ,it was an issue with the snmp server ,it was trying to use the ip it discovered via DNS request

    thanks your help 

  • 5.  RE: can`t add my juniper EX3300 switch to librenms through snmp

    Posted 03-18-2020 22:21
    Hi its good to know the issue is resolved !! Great !! Sharanya