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Video: Configurations Using the 128T GUI 

09-20-2018 17:56


This training using the GUI to look at configurations on your 128T routers and conductors. If you are not sure how to use the GUI, check out the Video: 128T GUI Introduction.  If you prefer using the PCLI, check out the Video: Configuration Using the 128T PCLI.

Types of Configurations

On the 128Ts, there are two types of configurations:
  • Running
  • Candidate

The Running configuration is your committed configuration. Whenever you select the COMMIT button, you are copying your Candidate configuration over your Running configuration. Your Running configuration is what is actually affecting your live traffic. 

Your Candidate configuration, on the other hand, consists of any changes that you make to your Running configuration. Every time you make a change to your configuration, that change gets saved in your candidate configuration, meaning it is not live yet. You need to select the COMMIT button to make it live. COMMIT replaces your Running configurations with your Candidate configuration. 

Configuration Studio

Since this training is focused on configurations, most of the operations we are going to look at can be done in the Configuration Studio in your 128T's GUI. 

Edit Configuration

Edit Configuration is where you go to make changes to your configuration. All you need to do to make a change to your configuration is find the object or field you want to add, change, or delete, and then type in the new value or delete it. Once you make a change, remember, that change is only made to the Candidate configuration. It is not live yet. To make that change live, you select COMMIT. COMMIT will also do a validate to make sure all dependencies match up. 

 If you want to check these dependencies without committing your configuration, or you just want to give yourself a sanity check, you can do that by selecting VALIDATE.

Next to VALIDATE and COMMIT is "Revert to Running." "Revert to Running" will replace your Candidate config with your Running config. This is useful when you have changes on your Candidate config that you no longer want to commit or if you are not sure if someone else configured things on your candidate config, so you do want to activate changes that might break things. 

Explore Configuration

You can easily view your configuration with the Explore Configuration button. Explore Configuration presents your entire configuration to you (including default values, which you can change if you like). In the top right corner, you can choose which version of the configuration you want to look at:
  • Running
  • Candidate
  • One of your backups

You can also search for parts of the configuration by typing the item, field, or value where it says "Filter Configuration. 

Import and Export Configuration

The Import and Export Configuration menu is where you can create backups, export configurations to put on other 128Ts, or import configurations from other 128Ts that you want to use to replace your current configuration.

The first page you see shows you all of the configurations you currently have stored in /etc/128technology/config-exports. You can search through these configurations to find the one that is most appropriate for your needs. On this screen, you see the configuration name, the date and time it was created, its size, and the action button. Your options for the action button are:
  • Apply - which replaces the Candidate configuration with your backup. You will still need to commit it to make it your Running configuration.
  • Download Configuration - which lets you choose a spot on your local computer to save your configuration to.
  • View Configuration - which takes you to the Explore Configuration page for the backup you are looking at. 
  • Delete - which deletes your backup. 
In the top right, you also have three options:
  • Export Running Configuration - where you can make a backup of your Running configuration. The 128T will compress your configuration and save it to /etc/128technology/config-exports. 
  • Export Candidate Configuration - where you can make a backup of your Candidate configuration. 
  • Upload Configuration - where you grab a configuration from your local computer and import it into your 128T. 


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