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Video: Configurations Using the 128T PCLI 

09-20-2018 17:56

This training using the PCLI to look at configurations on your 128T routers and conductors.

If you are not sure how to use the PCLI, check out the Video: 128T PCLI Introduction.
If you prefer using the GUI, check out Video: Configurations Using the 128T GUI.

Types of Configurations
On the 128Ts, there are two types of configurations:

  • Running
  • Candidate

The Running configuration is your committed configuration. Whenever you issue
you are copying your Candidate configuration over your Running configuration. Your Running configuration is what is actually affecting your live traffic. 

Your Candidate configuration, on the other hand, consists of any changes that you make to your Running configuration. Every time you make a change to your configuration, that change gets saved in your candidate configuration, meaning it is not live yet. You need to issue commit to make it live. Commit replaces your Running configurations with your Candidate configuration. 

* (Asterisk)
Whenever you make a change to your configuration, an asterisk (*) appears in front of your prompt.

The asterisk then disappears when you issue a commit. What's going on is that the asterisk is there to tell you that your Candidate configuration is different than your Running configuration. This means that you have some changes that have not been committed yet. 

Compare Config
If you want to see what those changes are, you can do a compare config <old config> <new config>. The compare config command displays the difference between the Candidate and Running configurations. The syntax of compare config <old config> <new config> means you will see the difference in the "old config" that the "new config" brings. Also, by "old and new config", we mean Candidate and Running, you choose which is "old" and which is "new." For example, you could issue
compare config running candidate
and the CLI will show you which lines the Candidate config added or deleted from the Running config. 

Show Config
If you would like to view your configuration, you can do that by typing
show config <running|candidate>
to view your candidate or running configs, respectively.

This configuration will be displayed in a way in which you can copy and paste it into another 128T if you like.

However, if you only want to copy and paste parts of the configuration, it might be easier to do that by issuing
show config <running|candidate> flat
flat will display the configuration with the full paths of each element on each line instead of in a hierarchy. This allows you to copy and paste the parts of the configuration you want to copy and then return to the top level of the configuration hierarchy, so you won't need to type exit or top to get back to the top.

If you add verbose to your show config command like:
show config <running|candidate> verbose
you will see all configuration data, including preset default values. Some of these default values are for well known protocols, such as SIP, HTTP, and SMTP. Most people don't change these values, but you do have the option to. They are hidden so that when you run the show config command you only see the parts of the configuration that  you built. 

Backup and Restore
Now, if you have a 128T configuration that you are proud of and you want to copy that configuration to another device, there are a couple of tools you can use to do that. As mentioned with the show command, you could always do a show config <candidate or running> flat, and copy and paste that into your other 128T. Remember, that even without the flat argument, the config output is designed to allow you to easily copy it from one 128T and paste it into another.
Another way you could move configurations over is with exporting and importing. Exporting can also be used to create backups. The syntax for the export command is export config <datastore (which means candidate or running)> <name>. So for example, you could issue
export config running testBackup
The 128T will now store a backup called "testBackup" to /etc/128technology/config-exports, and the command prompt will let you know this.
To bring that config back to running, you just issue
import config <name of export or backup>
This restores the config to your Candidate config, so you still need to do a commit to make it your Running config.
On that note, if there are changes in your Candidate config that you do not want, you can always have your Running config replace your Candidate config. To do that, issue
restore config running
This will replace your Candidate config with your Running config, so both Candidate and Running are the same. 


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