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How-To Guide: Downloading ISOs 

11-22-2019 11:39

Currently 128 Technology makes available to its customers two ISOs for each software release:

  1. One Touch ISO (OTP) ISO. This ISO sets up DHCP on all interfaces and boots a Web Server GUI into which a URL generated by a conductor can be pasted (the one touch) in order to bootstrap router-to-conductor connectivity and the subsequent installation and configuration of the router by the conductor.
  2. Interactive ISO. Installing from this ISO is done via a serial console or VGA. An interactive session is started which allows network interfaces, passwords, node name and type, conductor IP (if applicable) before the 128T software is started.
Download this guide for step-by-step directions.

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ISO Download Instructions.pdf   353 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-17-2021


03-03-2020 15:14

Should work is a expression which should not exist in IT
And yes, it doesn't work in my browser and yes, I don't have any client certificate.

Anyway thanks for trying to help

03-03-2020 15:05

The URL should work once you have installed the certificate in your browser.

If a certificate has been created for you, but you do not  have it, I would suggest contacting your sales representative / sales engineer.  Certificates are usually emailed to customer contacts when the they are generated.


03-03-2020 13:35

This is the official 128T way of downloading the images?
This URL:
Does not work form my computer browser.

And how to get this client cert?


11-27-2019 09:27

Small typo correction: 

The richt command to show which images are available would be:

To show the images available along with their sha256sum checksum:
$ curl --cert <my_cert.pem>

11-24-2019 13:30

For users comfortable with the terminal, it is possible to use curl to find and download available images.  This avoids the process of importing the certificate into the browser.

To show the images available along with their sha256sum checksum:
$ curl --cert <my_cert.pem>

To download one of the available images:
$ curl --cert <my_cert.pem><image_filename.iso> -o <image_filename.iso>

To generate the sha256sum of a downloaded image to compare with the entry in sha256sum.txt:
$ sha256sum <image_filename.iso>

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