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Feature Brief: Services & Topology Exchange Protocol in the 128T 

10-09-2019 14:57

Network operators are under pressure to deliver new services at an ever-increasing pace. Consumers are using more and more services from the network, and the network exists to deliver these services. The network has gone from being a tool for professors to share research to a necessary utility to deliver services globally.

Whether it
is to connect with friends via social media, learn recipes at the kitchen counter, or to browse libraries for research information, the underlying motive to use the network is to consume services. Network operators need efficient ways to deliver new services and innovative methods for the network to learn and connect these services to consumers. Networks must be service-oriented to support today’s (and tomorrow’s) networking requirements. This is why the team at 128 Technology is currently working to build the Services and Topology Exchange Protocol (STEP) in the 128T Networking Platform.

If you're interested to learn about STEP, check out this feature brief which is three-fold and:

  • Details the design goals of STEP in the 128T Networking Platform.
  • Explains how STEP will work within your 128T network.
  • Outlines the benefits of using STEP versus today's common routing or service discovery protocols. 

NOTE: STEP is currently being built by the 128 Technology engineering team -- this is a forward-looking document meant to educate you as a 128 Technology customer in advance of the feature launch. 


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Feature Brief - Services & Topology Exchange Protocol.pdf   6.92 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-13-2021


10-24-2019 09:29

Very good overview and mechanics of STEP. Thanks for sharing.

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