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  • 1.  Virtual Chassis | EX3400

    Posted 09-05-2023 09:03

    Hi Guys,

    I'm a new guy to Juniper switches and I just want to know when configuring Vchasis in the switch can we do that using copper ports or do we need the QSFP ports?



  • 2.  RE: Virtual Chassis | EX3400

    Posted 09-06-2023 03:12


    We have used the SFP ports before for VC not sure if you can use the copper ones but it should as long as they are configured for VC, the QSFP ones come preconfigured for Virtual Chassis to convert other ports you need to use the command, e.g. for ge/xe-0/2/3: request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 2 port 3

    Here is the full guide: https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/junos/virtual-chassis-fabric/topics/ref/command/request-virtual-chassis-vc-port-uplink.html


  • 3.  RE: Virtual Chassis | EX3400

    Posted 09-07-2023 10:40

    Hi Harry,

    Thank you for the information I'll try the above guide to configure copper ports, Another thing can we use the above guide to configure VC on the EX2300 as well?


  • 4.  RE: Virtual Chassis | EX3400

    Posted 09-13-2023 03:27


    Yes it should be the same for the EX2300.


  • 5.  RE: Virtual Chassis | EX3400

    Posted 09-14-2023 19:46

    EX2300 can only use the SFP+ interfaces for VC and you need to set them to VC-port as HarryC described.

    In the EX3400, the QSFP+ interfaces on the back are VC-ports by default and can be changed to traffic ports. The SFP+ ports are network ports but can be set to VC-ports. You can build a VC where some links are 40 G and some 10 G, and even build topologies that are not rings (unique to Juniper I think). I have seen VCs connected as a ring (say fpc 0-3 in a ring) with a switch added on it's own loop between fpc 0 and 1. 

    In an EX2300 VC, only EX2300 switches can exist (all versions, incl. T, P and MP as of 18.4). You cannot mix with EX3400.

    In an EX3400 VC, only EX3400 can exist.