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  • 1.  Two VMNIC'S from VMware to a Juniper switch

    Posted 03-27-2023 17:16


    I have a VMware server with two VMNIC'S, I want to connect them to Juniper Switch, those two VMNIC'S for public network redundancy one is active and the other is standby ( nic teaming) 

    The question is can I configure both as normal VLAN means as a members of a public VLAN?  Or should I assign them as access or trunk?

    Because the first VMNIC I configure it as a member of public VLAN without adding the mode like access or trunk?

    Best regards, 

    Zurratos Zurratos

  • 2.  RE: Two VMNIC'S from VMware to a Juniper switch

    Posted 03-27-2023 20:21

    The way vmware works you can configure both as normal vlan either access or trunk ports.  Naturally with access you only get one vlan and trunk allows multiple vlans to be available to you VMs.

    With multiple vlan you would create virtual networks and assign matching tags in vsphere and each vlan would have their own vSwitch for the VMs to connect.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)