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  • 1.  Source NAT with IPv6 PD

    Posted 03-13-2023 10:27


    we have a SRX 345 cluster with two isp uplinks. the backup isp uplink is a pppoe connection (with external dsl modem).  this connection is working.

    now my problem. we want to use ipv6 for this backup connection, too. but the clients got a static prefix from main isp.

    my way was to create a source nat for ipv6 with

        source-nat {

    this is not working because the nat use the fe80 address and not from isp prefix. when i use a manual created prefix from isp. it works. but the prefix is "dynamic".  the problem is that the addresses are dynamic and will work until the address changes.

    who can i ise source-nat with dynamisch prefix delegation?

    the client config is

        dhcpv6-client {
            client-type stateful;
            client-ia-type ia-pd;
            client-identifier duid-type duid-ll;

    i have also try autoconfig with ia-na and an ia-na +w -pd combinatin.


  • 2.  RE: Source NAT with IPv6 PD

    Posted 05-06-2023 07:44

    Hi Marco,

    without knowing your network or your intention and many assumptions: forget NAT. Advertise both Prefixes to the Clients so that they have 2 GUA's assigned.

