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  • 1.  Routing single source IP out 2nd BGP peer

    Posted 03-29-2023 15:38

    Currently, all outbound requests use our first BGP neighbor to get to the Internet.  I'm interested in sending guest wifi traffic, all NAT'd to a single IP, to the Internet via the 2nd BGP neighbor.  I'm assuming the best way to do this is to just statically specify the next hop for that particular source IP? 

    At the moment the 2nd neighbor has a preference of 180,  only intended to be used for outbound requests if the primary neighbor, with default preference, is unavailable.  I'm glad to provide more information, just looking for some confirmation that we're on the right track and advice on any gotchas we might miss. Thanks.


  • 2.  RE: Routing single source IP out 2nd BGP peer

    Posted 03-29-2023 15:40

    You could use source based routing and have the guest WiFi prefix using a forwarding routing instance to go to the desired provider.  A kb example is here.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: Routing single source IP out 2nd BGP peer

    Posted 03-30-2023 01:32


    You can use filter-based forwarding to direct the traffic from that source to the ISP2 via a forwarding-type routing instance.

    There can be other possible ways as well, but more details with topology, NAT details, etc will help.


    Sheetanshu Shekhar

  • 4.  RE: Routing single source IP out 2nd BGP peer

    Posted 03-31-2023 14:17
    Thanks very much for these responses, very helpful and much appreciated.

    Jeff Rowan
    Poudre School District | I.T. Department

    Network Engineer II

    office: 970-490-3441

    cell: 970-567-2378