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  • 1.  request interface interface

    Posted 05-16-2023 10:29


    A while back, a Juniper staff member Alex mentioned an op command on this thread...

    @aarseniev wrote: there is an op command "request interface interface <name> down|up" which is JUNOS CLI equivalent of UNIX "interface <name> down|up"

    This command is brilliant and works as a great way of doing this without any needing to change the config, going into the shell, ephemeral databases, or anything else.

    For example...
    request interface interface ge-7/2/7.1000 down
    request interface interface ge-7/2/7.1000 up

    Oddly request interface interface doesn't show up in the autocomplete, doesn't show up on the Juniper CLI Explorer, doesn't show up in any docs, etc...

    The only mention of it online seems to be the forum thread I linked to... and now this one I guess?

    Does anyone know how much this command can be relied on, perhaps if it will continue to exist in future firmware versions? 

    Possibly if Juniper has a reason for not documenting it, or perhaps it is just an oversight?



  • 2.  RE: request interface interface

    Posted 10-13-2023 05:55

    It seems the "request interface interface <interface> down" stops the traffic but does not take down the actual link in the switch and not in the connected device. It does not notify Junos internally, so all protocols think the interface is active.

    I'm on the hunt for creative ways of "bumping" interfaces without the need for commit as it takes too much time in some cases.

  • 3.  RE: request interface interface

    Posted 10-13-2023 19:54

    Before they added the request command we used to use the shell ifconfig command via root access with this sequence.  But I would think the request is better overall.

    start shell user root
    ifconfig xe-0/0/0 down
    ifconfig xe-0/0/0 up

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)