The trusted-key gives you the ability to use different keys for different servers . Example . 3 keys 3 different servers.
Also it give the ability to schedule rolling key changes
authentication-key 30 type sha256 value "$w"; ## SECRET-DATA
authentication-key 35 type sha256 value "$q"; ## SECRET-DATA
authentication-key 40 type sha1 value "$g"; ## SECRET-DATA
server key 31 version 4 prefer; ## SECRET-DATA
server key 35 version 4 ; ## SECRET-DATA
server key 40 version 4 ; ## SECRET-DATA
trusted-key [ 30 35 40 ];
Original Message:
Sent: 12-02-2022 08:18
From: Unknown User
Subject: Question on NTP Server Configuration
Here is an example of NTP Server Configuration from Juniper documentation:
[edit system ntp]
authentication-key 1 type md5 value "$ABC123";
server key 1 prefer;
trusted-key 1;
What is the purpose of the trusted-key when we already have the authentication-key ?
Juniper Business Use Only