Hello Guys,
I'm trying to configure a QinQ vlan from a EX4550 to a QFX3550. I have checked all the forums and corrected any possible mistake on the 4550, like the ethertype thing, but it is still not working.
This is my conf:
EX4550x2 --- EX4550x1 -- QFX3550x1
this is the configuration:
vlan100 {
vlan-id 100;
dot1q-tunneling {
customer-vlans 1-4094;
interfaces xe-1/0/5 {
description "DLX5_SERV + MGMT NIC2";
mtu 9216;
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
port-mode access;
vlan {
members vlan100;
ae1 {
mtu 9216;
aggregated-ether-options {
minimum-links 1;
link-speed 10g;
lacp {
periodic fast;
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
port-mode trunk;
vlan {
members vlan100
ezequiel@EX4550x2> show configuration ethernet-switching-options
dot1q-tunneling {
ether-type 0x8100;
ezequiel@EX4550x1> show configuration interfaces xe-0/0/27 <<PORT FACING QFX3550x1
description "UPLINK COBOGWBPQX3500x3 PUERTO XE-0/0/0";
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
port-mode trunk;
vlan {
members vlan100;
ae0 {
mtu 9216;
aggregated-ether-options {
minimum-links 1;
link-speed 10g;
lacp {
periodic fast;
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
port-mode trunk;
vlan {
members vlan100
root@QFX3550x1> show configuration vlans vlan100
interface xe-0/0/10.100;
interface xe-0/0/11.100;
interface xe-1/0/0.100;
interface xe-1/0/10.100;
oot@QFX3550x1> show configuration interfaces xe-0/0/10 <<CE PORT
native-vlan-id 100;
encapsulation extended-vlan-bridge;
unit 100 {
vlan-id-list 1-4094;
input-vlan-map push;
output-vlan-map pop;
root@QFX3550x1> show configuration interfaces xe-1/0/0 << PORT FACING EX4550x1 (trunk)
encapsulation extended-vlan-bridge;
unit 100 {
vlan-id 100;
I see mac addresses from customers in both EX4550 but not in the QFX. Also I have mac addresses in the QFX but they are not passing to the EX. I guess the problem is on trunk QFX/EX configuration but I dont know how to fix it. I have tried multiple configurations, flexible-vlan/vlan-id, standard trunk with vlan members but none of them seem to be working.