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  • 1.  QFX5120-48YM SFP GbE module compatibility

    Posted 09-21-2023 15:09

    Good day everyone, 

     I have a question in regard to the QFX5120-48YM switch and SFP GbE module compatibility. These switches were purchased for our department to replace Cisco 6509 core switches and as such have a requirement to service both optical and copper connections. The optical SFP's seem to work perfectly but we have encountered many issues with copper SFP's both 1gb and 10gb. For the 1gb I told the chassis the fpc, pic and slot and set to 1gb. Then put Juniper 1gb copper sfp's in say ports 4 and 5. When I connect c patch cable to port 4, port 5 link light comes on and vise versa. And the is actually no connection. With the 10gb copper sfp, I can configure a port and OSPF etc. and will get a proper link and can see all the networks I should. However when the switch is rebooted the ports will not come back online until I delete the ports and recreate them. Then all works as it should till the next reboot. Based on this information from the 5120-48YM data sheet

     "SFP GbE optical - SFP+ 10GbE optical modules - SFP+ DAC cables: 1/3/5 m twinax copper and 1/3/5/7 m active twinax copper - SFP28 DAC cables: 1/3 m twinax copper - SFP28 optics: Short reach (SR), long reach (LR) - QSFP+ to SFP+: 10GbE direct attach breakout copper (1/3 m twinax copper cable)"

     It seems this particular model is not compatible with copper SFP's. 

    That being said, can someone confirm this to be true as we need these switches to be able to connect servers etc as well as fiber


  • 2.  RE: QFX5120-48YM SFP GbE module compatibility

    Posted 09-22-2023 02:57

    Hi John, 

    What version of Junos are you running?

    Many Thanks


  • 3.  RE: QFX5120-48YM SFP GbE module compatibility

    Posted 09-22-2023 10:55


     Thanks for the reply, at my site we are running 23.2R1.13 and at another site 23.1R1.8


  • 4.  RE: QFX5120-48YM SFP GbE module compatibility

    Posted 09-22-2023 06:20
    Edited by IHOR SHTANKO 09-22-2023 06:20

    Hi John,

    You can check SFPs compatibility on Juniper site.



  • 5.  RE: QFX5120-48YM SFP GbE module compatibility

    Posted 09-22-2023 10:56

    Thanks for the reply,

     That explains everything. So the YM seems to be either DAC in the QSFP ports or optical only otherwise.
