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  • 1.  "Paragon" is this a new name for Junos Space or new product ?

    Posted 07-29-2022 05:14

    I'm just watching a Juniper Product Portfolio Vid and network management is using a product called Paragon. 
    Not heard of this before. 


    Simon Bingham

  • 2.  RE: "Paragon" is this a new name for Junos Space or new product ?

    Posted 07-29-2022 05:43

    Hi Simon,


    Paragon is altogether is new product, it is not Junos Space.




    Pravin LOKHANDE

    Juniper Business Use Only

  • 3.  RE: "Paragon" is this a new name for Junos Space or new product ?

    Posted 07-29-2022 15:35
    Check about half way down this page for links to the five different products in the portfolio.

    These are all different from Space and perform more specific roles.
    Assurance is a probe based monitoring
    Path finder is to create and manage LSPs on mpls networks
    Planner allows what if and testing after import of a live network from Path finder
    Insights is a streaming telemetry consumer and reporter
    Atom does automation work flows

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)