We tried looking for any trace of broadcast storm via the graphs and couldn't find any. we do have some ERP rings plugged in to VPLS at the MX and this vpls instances have loop-detection mechanisms that drop and block incase Storm happens.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2023 16:33
Subject: MX480 droping all protocal connections for few mins
Hi, you need to review your RE protection, filters and policers.
It's not necessarily is a DDOS, can be DOS or a Loop in your network that is causing your RE being flooded.
Adapt your protection to your network design.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-09-2023 07:59
From: ahmed-lish
Subject: MX480 droping all protocal connections for few mins
We have MX480 with one FPC and one RE (17.3R3.10).
We did replace the RE from 4GB ram to 16GB ram RE and also upgraded to junos 17.3R3.10.
For some reason, we randomly loose connection to the MX including all BGP/ISIS/LDP.
ISIS adjacency is restored immediately but it takes bit of time before the MX responds to pings on even P2P IPs that don't need protocol connectivity.
Logs show DDOS aggregate protocol violation before the flap hits.
Jun 8 11:06:00 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception Sample:syslog exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 119 times, started at 2023-06-08 11:05:59 EATJun 8 11:06:03 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception Sample:aggregate exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 102 times, started at 2023-06-08 11:06:02 EATJun 8 11:11:08 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception Sample:syslog has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 119 times, from 2023-06-08 11:05:59 EAT to 2023-06-08 11:06:07 EATJun 8 11:11:08 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception Sample:aggregate has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 102 times, from 2023-06-08 11:06:02 EAT to 2023-06-08 11:06:07 EATJun 8 18:27:21 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 123 times, started at 2023-06-08 18:27:20 EATJun 8 18:44:09 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:aggregate exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 27 times, started at 2023-06-08 18:44:09 EATJun 8 18:54:09 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:aggregate has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 27 times, from 2023-06-08 18:44:09 EAT to 2023-06-08 18:49:09 EATJun 8 18:56:34 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 123 times, from 2023-06-08 18:27:20 EAT to 2023-06-08 18:51:34 EATJun 8 20:24:28 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 124 times, started at 2023-06-08 20:24:27 EATJun 8 20:29:56 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 124 times, from 2023-06-08 20:24:27 EAT to 2023-06-08 20:24:55 EATJun 9 10:40:51 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 125 times, started at 2023-06-09 10:40:51 EATJun 9 10:45:53 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 125 times, from 2023-06-09 10:40:51 EAT to 2023-06-09 10:40:52 EATJun 9 10:48:35 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 126 times, started at 2023-06-09 10:48:34 EATJun 9 10:57:17 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 126 times, from 2023-06-09 10:48:34 EAT to 2023-06-09 10:52:17 EATJun 9 10:58:03 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 127 times, started at 2023-06-09 10:58:03 EATJun 9 11:03:08 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 127 times, from 2023-06-09 10:58:03 EAT to 2023-06-09 10:58:07 EATJun 9 11:09:00 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 128 times, started at 2023-06-09 11:09:00 EATJun 9 11:17:03 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception resolve:ucast-v4 has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 128 times, from 2023-06-09 11:09:00 EAT to 2023-06-09 11:12:03 EATJun 9 11:35:19 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception ARP:aggregate exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 159 times, started at 2023-06-09 11:35:18 EATJun 9 11:45:06 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception ARP:aggregate has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 159 times, from 2023-06-09 11:35:18 EAT to 2023-06-09 11:40:05 EATJun 9 12:05:46 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception TTL:aggregate exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 72 times, started at 2023-06-09 12:05:45 EATJun 9 12:12:51 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception TTL:aggregate has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 72 times, from 2023-06-09 12:05:45 EAT to 2023-06-09 12:07:50 EATJun 9 12:17:57 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception ARP:aggregate exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 160 times, started at 2023-06-09 12:17:56 EATJun 9 12:27:33 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_CLEAR: INFO: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception ARP:aggregate has returned to normal. Its allowed bandwith was exceeded at fpc 1 for 160 times, from 2023-06-09 12:17:56 EAT to 2023-06-09 12:22:32 EATJun 9 12:45:32 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception ARP:aggregate exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 161 times, started at 2023-06-09 12:45:32 EATJun 9 12:49:23 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 jddosd[17447]: DDOS_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION_SET: Warning: Host-bound traffic for protocol/exception TTL:aggregate exceeded its allowed bandwidth at fpc 1 for 73 times, started at 2023-06-09 12:49:23 EAT
Is the DDOS violation causing RE crush ?
We also see in the logs below:
Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 632Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 786Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 1005Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 777Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 714Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 864Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 756Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 1184Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 624Jun 9 12:49:59 PE-1-SP-NBO-KE-re0 mib2d[17280]: SNMP_EVLIB_FAILURE: PFED ran out of transfer credits with PFE.Failed to get stats. ifl index: 861