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MX150 DHCP Server not working after upgrade

  • 1.  MX150 DHCP Server not working after upgrade

    Posted 09-24-2023 19:28

    I've recently upgraded a test MX150 from 17.3R3.10 directly to 22.2R3.15. After the upgrade, the basic DHCP server config below does not work (this is the only config on the router apart from root credentials). The server process is running but a device connected to the interface does not see any DHCP packets via a Wireshark trace. I am wondering if it's a licensing issue?

    set version 22.2R3.15
    set groups DHCP_SERVER_DEFAULTS access address-assignment pool <*> family inet dhcp-attributes maximum-lease-time 28800
    set groups DHCP_SERVER_DEFAULTS access address-assignment pool <*> family inet dhcp-attributes name-server
    set groups DHCP_SERVER_DEFAULTS access address-assignment pool <*> family inet dhcp-attributes name-server
    set system services dhcp-local-server route-suppression access-internal
    set system services dhcp-local-server group DEFAULT_DHCP interface ge-0/0/6.0
    set interfaces ge-0/0/6 unit 0 family inet address
    set access address-assignment pool DEFAULT_Pool family inet apply-groups DHCP_SERVER_DEFAULTS
    set access address-assignment pool DEFAULT_Pool family inet network
    set access address-assignment pool DEFAULT_Pool family inet range BYOD_Range low
    set access address-assignment pool DEFAULT_Pool family inet range BYOD_Range high
    set access address-assignment pool DEFAULT_Pool family inet dhcp-attributes router

    Prior to the upgrade, when I ran show system license, I had the following:

    License usage:
                                               Licenses     Licenses    Licenses    Expiry
      Feature name                  used     installed      needed
      scale-subscriber                    0                  10                    0    permanent
      scale-l2tp                                   0            1000                   0    permanent
      scale-mobile-ip                       0            1000                   0    permanent

    Licenses installed: none

    After the upgrade there is nothing there.

    login> show system license

    License usage: none

    Licenses installed: none

    Could this be the cause of the DHCP server not working or have I incorrectly configured the router?
