It seams that this side (vmx5) is sending LLDP messages but not the other side, just on fxp0 seams to show lldp messages both ways.
Can you check on vmx4 same commands, maybe disable and re enable lldp, also you can try to enable lldp-med insetead of just lldp to see if it works.
Teodor Adrian Soroceanu
Original Message:
Sent: 05-03-2023 10:03
From: Anonymous
Subject: LLDP not working in vLab environment
This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
Original Message:
Sent: 05-03-2023 05:40
From: Teodor Adrian Soroceanu
Subject: LLDP not working in vLab environment
What is the output of: run show lldp neighbors and show lldp statistics.
Teodor Adrian Soroceanu
Original Message:
Sent: 05-02-2023 21:58
From: Anonymous
Subject: LLDP not working in vLab environment
This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
Hello, I have been trying out the labs in the vLabs. I was looking at the OSPF Multi area topology and want to use the topology for an automation project. I require LLDP information from the routers.
I have enabled the LLDP on all the routers but still not able to get any neighbor information.
please help!