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  • 1.  L3 IRB switching as vlan to another mx

    Posted 05-12-2023 02:49

    Hi ,
    i have a question about routing / switching.

    I have two MX router, one is old und the other is new.
    I have some irb on the old mx and I must use this network for a short time on my new mx to  use this network on both routern.
    When all connections heve beein moved to  the new mx,  i can delete the old mx and move the irb to the new mx.
    How can I do this......
    When you need i picture or other information call me back.
    Thanks for all

  • 2.  RE: L3 IRB switching as vlan to another mx

    Posted 05-12-2023 03:45


    Yes You need to provide more data because what you described tells me nothing completely at least to me so even if I wanted to I can't help you 

    Grzegorz Dacka

  • 3.  RE: L3 IRB switching as vlan to another mx

    Posted 05-12-2023 05:07
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    i have make a picture and i hope that can explain my question.
    I want to use an IRB on the old mx as layer 2 vlan on my new mx.
    When i have connected the switches on my new mx, i can turn off the old mx and i make the irb on my new mx

  • 4.  RE: L3 IRB switching as vlan to another mx

    Posted 05-15-2023 10:18

    Yes you can do that.  The IRB on the new MX will probably have a new MAC Address, so the ARP caches in the clients should update automatically.  I forget if IRB sends out a G-ARP (gratuitous).  This type of throw is usually painless, but stale arp caches on clients could pose a problem. 

    - Aaron