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  • 1.  Juniper MX default BGP load sharing

    Posted 08-11-2023 00:10
    Edited by TAMAS VARGA 08-11-2023 00:25

    I have an MX router with BGP peers and enabled load sharing simply with the "multipath" setting, no additional configuration.

    I saw multiple options, but could you explain how the load sharing will behave by default?

    As I understood this is ECMP and the default hashing algorithm is enhanced-hash-key. So basically the source IP + port and the destination  IP + port is used to differentiate flows.

    I read about multiple ways for load balancing but I think in my case, without further configurations the per-prefix load balancing will be used.

    Do I undestand the documentation right, or I am completely off track?


  • 2.  RE: Juniper MX default BGP load sharing

    Posted 08-11-2023 06:57

    My understanding is that the default settings apply the dual next hop per prefix and then use a hash to keep the same 5 tupple traffic using a consistent next hop.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)