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  • 1.  Juniper ACX5448, interface disabled but SFP continue to emit laser

    Posted 01-23-2023 12:41

    I have a link that is down between two routers (juniper ACX5448), with SFPs present at each end.

    By doing a show interfaces diagnostics optics, we can see that the RX are in -Inf dbm

    admin@router1> show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/0/40
    Physical interface: xe-0/0/40
        Laser bias current                        :  37.542 mA
        Laser output power                        :  1.2080 mW / 0.82 dBm
        Module temperature                        :  29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
        Module voltage                            :  3.2930 V
        Laser receiver power                      :  0.0000 mW / - Inf dBm

    but by disabling both interfaces, the same command shows that the Tx is not -Inf dbm and the SFP still transmetting laser

    admin@router1> show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/0/40
    Physical interface: xe-0/0/40
        Laser bias current                        :  37.542 mA
        Laser output power                        :  1.2080 mW / 0.82 dBm
        Module temperature                        :  29 degrees C / 84 degrees F
        Module voltage                            :  3.2930 V
        Laser receiver power                      :  0.0000 mW / - Inf dBm

    I searched the Juniper documentation, I tried the given commands, I deleted the whole interface...etc but nothing works Do you know if this behavior is normal? Do you have a solution to stop an SFP from emitting?

    Thank you


  • 2.  RE: Juniper ACX5448, interface disabled but SFP continue to emit laser

    Posted 01-24-2023 10:22
    under otn-options under the interface, configure no-laser-enable

  • 3.  RE: Juniper ACX5448, interface disabled but SFP continue to emit laser

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 01-25-2023 07:32
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous


    Just in case check interface configuration. Maybe it is deactivated.

    show configuration interfaces xe-0/0/40

  • 4.  RE: Juniper ACX5448, interface disabled but SFP continue to emit laser

    Posted 01-25-2023 09:53
    Thank you for your answer, but I already checked I'm the interface and it's active.
    actually, even I also tried delete( also deactivate) the interface, the interface was deleted (also deactivated) but the SFP still transmitting laser.


  • 5.  RE: Juniper ACX5448, interface disabled but SFP continue to emit laser

    Posted 01-25-2023 13:24
    Can you provide the complete config of the interface?  Feel free to "X" out any IP's...