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  • 1.  JNCIE-SP study bundle thoughts

    Posted 05-10-2023 10:26
    Edited by Jodi Meier 05-10-2023 15:59

    Hi everyone

    After forking out for the JNCIE-SP self study bundle, I have to say there are a few rough edges which make me wonder if it was worth it. The content is pretty much the same as InetZero's book, which I also had a while back - but never got around to doing the exam (I have excuses ok!)... Anyway, the quality of the material is good and up to date. 

    - The course book is pretty good, with questions AND answers for all the topics in the exam. 
    - The course builds up chapter after chapter, it's well structured 
    - The virtual lab environment spins up quickly

    - The course book can't be downloaded to read offline, it's all done through a separate portal/login. You can, however, print sections off at a time. 
    - The virtual lab is only accessible via web, with both "SSH" and console being browser (guacamole) based - this means no copy/paste, which can be a real pain 
    - You only get 12 lab sessions. For $600 USD you'd think you'd get 100 lab sessions (or unlimited) considering it's a time based subscription anyway. The lab exercises take a long time, particularly if it's a tricky config that has you juggling multiple tabs for SSH sessions to the routers, manually typing it all in.. I tend to need a few goes for each section, and can't often find a long continuous chunk of time to dedicate to this. 

    I wonder if anyone had a good solution to the SSH issue (other than running their own lab).  It would be much nicer if there was some way to SSH in to the lab boxes from a terminal of our own. 

    Would love to hear more from others who have also paid to check this out.

  • 2.  RE: JNCIE-SP study bundle thoughts

    Posted 05-10-2023 12:58
    Edited by Jodi Meier 05-10-2023 15:59



    Thank you for posting your feedback regarding the JNCIE-SP SSB. We are always looking for ways to keep the material fresh and relevant, while providing you with a great experience at a fair price. When did you initially purchase the SSB? We have received similar feedback from other candidates as well and have made some changes to address them. 

    With regards to not being able to download the workbook, we use Gilmore to provide access to the student/candidate materials. The platform does allow you to read the materials offline using their bookshelf app. For more information, please review the "Accessing your eBook" section in the following document.

     In 2022, we were receiving a lot of feedback from candidates that were studying for an E-Level exam who wanted shorter session with more frequency. In September of 2022 we changed the default reservation time to 4 hours instead of the original 10 hours (with the ability to extend the reservation out to 10 hours). At the same time, we increased the total number of sessions to 50. Are you still seeing references to only receiving 12 sessions? If you can point me to the pages, we would like to make the necessary adjustments so that we can avoid the confusion.

     In our lab environment we do have copy/paste capabilities for our SSBs. It is not as smooth as it would be using a direct connection using your local clipboard, but it does work. For more information on how to use the copy/paste capability please review the information here ( ).

    Josh Verhaal

  • 3.  RE: JNCIE-SP study bundle thoughts

    Posted 05-10-2023 13:20


    I think the bundle is best when you have your own lab and reproduce the excercises.

    I am curious about the format of the exam though. Is it like the bundle i.e. you configure a complete network or is it a clear set of bricks you need to mount. I find the bundle pretty difficult to follow in ah exam mood as you need to go back and forth to the schematics and you also need to fully understand the announced prefixes and the different setups…

    Is there a mock exam one can see to get a grasp of the real thing?



  • 4.  RE: JNCIE-SP study bundle thoughts

    Posted 05-10-2023 16:00
    Edited by jb86 05-10-2023 19:38

    There are a couple of big lab setups you can do, which are simulations of the actual exam as far as I know. 

  • 5.  RE: JNCIE-SP study bundle thoughts

    Posted 05-10-2023 16:01
    Edited by jb86 05-10-2023 19:38

    Thanks Josh, that does address all my points which is great.

    The '12' comes from the email I use to log in, and yeah it was a while ago when I subscribed. I don't see any reference to 12 (or 50) on the actual lab page itself, but that's minor. Great to know it's been upped.

    Copy and paste is great thanks, I'd missed that link.