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  • 1.  J-Web Update issue

    Posted 05-21-2023 06:20
      |   view attached

    Dear All,

    I am facing an issue while upgrading the J-web version 23.1.

    Currently I am using Junos 23.1 OS on my EX-2300 switch.

    Please find attached error details. Kindly help on J-web upgrade.



    Error Details.docx   199 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: J-Web Update issue

    Posted 06-06-2023 18:41


    First of all, why do you run Junos 23.1R1? It is NOT the recommended version of code. Use latest 21.4R3-Sx instead as this page says:


    Second, J-Web can take quite a bit of space, and the EX2300 has very little spare disk memory. As recommended in the link below, there are some things that can be done:


    root@juniper> request system storage cleanup

    root@juniper> request system snapshot delete snap*

    root@juniper> start shell command "pkg setop rm previous" root@juniper> start shell command "pkg delete old"

  • 3.  RE: J-Web Update issue

    Posted 06-07-2023 00:57


    Reqested cmd already executed and the result is remain same.

    I currently install JUNOS - 23.1 on EX2300 switch, it is right apporch to install j-web 21.4 


  • 4.  RE: J-Web Update issue

    Posted 06-07-2023 02:11

    Would it be possible for you to try Junos 21.4R3-S2 instead?

  • 5.  RE: J-Web Update issue

    Posted 06-07-2023 05:42


    No, you should always use the corresponding J-Web for whatever release you actually have installed. What I meant was that you probably shouldn't be running 23.1R1 in the first place as that is not recommended version. It will be more difficult for you to solve issues with a too untested version like 23.1 compared to the much more stable 21.4R3-S3 (released 16 Mar 2023).

    If you still want to run 23.1R1 for some reason, there is a J-Web package for that release (<mat-cell _ngcontent-c12="" class="mat-cell cdk-column-release mat-column-release ng-tns-c12-2 ng-star-inserted" role="gridcell">23.1A1).</mat-cell>

    40% free space is rather usual. I have that on some EX2300 that are not running J-Web. The /tmp is a separate partition, so you can try to download the package to /tmp and then: "request system software add /tmp/jweb-ex-app-common-23.1A1.1.tgz"

    Apparently you should remove any copy of the install file from the usual /var/tmp before installing as that will be on the same partition as the root dir.

  • 6.  RE: J-Web Update issue

    Posted 06-10-2023 03:54


    I install j-web 21.4 as per the recommendation still facing the same issue.

    Do i need to follow some other configuration or step to fix the issue.

    If possible can we connect remotely?


  • 7.  RE: J-Web Update issue

    Posted 06-12-2023 05:43

    If the commands in my first reply won't work, a USB format install would be the best course of action. Troubleshooting it on the switch is doable but can take quite some time I'm afraid.
