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  • 1.  J-Web 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' page not loading on 23.2A1

    Posted 07-03-2023 05:47

    Hi there,

    Recently did a fresh USB install of JunOS 23.2R1 onto my EX2300-48P which was running 15.4 or so. Since I like having J-Web available as an option, I also installed 23.2A1.

    I am working my way through updating the configuration, all is working well apart from one weird issue - the 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' page doesn't load any content.

    It is literally the only page on J-Web that doesn't work - all other pages work completely fine. As for the PoE system itself, that works fine as well - I updated the firmware on the controller, and I can manage everything fine from the CLI (ignore the fact that on the screenshot below all interfaces are Disabled, that's on purpose as I like to only enable PoE on a per-port basis as required - plus it has no bearing on this matter as the issue persists even with PoE enabled on all interfaces).

    If I click on the 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' link, the page changes as pictured and the mouse cursor changes to the spinning loading indicator for about 2 seconds, and then... nothing.

    Any idea what could be going on here? Do I need some specific version of JRE installed or something?

    1- Other pages work fine, including the similar 'Configure -> Interfaces -> Ports'

    2- The 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' page doesn't load, including the configuration buttons top-right.

    3- PoE status is visible and manageable perfectly fine from the CLI. Controller firmware is updated.

    Daniel Smith

  • 2.  RE: J-Web 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' page not loading on 23.2A1

    Posted 07-03-2023 07:30

    Looks like a bug.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: J-Web 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' page not loading on 23.2A1

    Posted 07-04-2023 07:23

    Thanks for the feedback. However, it appears my PoE controller is working fine - I can access and control PoE configuration from the CLI without issue. It's only the visual lack of information in J-Web that is the problem, and that was the case prior to upgrading the PoE firmware - I only noticed the firmware upgrade option when investigating the already existing issue. 

    Daniel Smith

  • 4.  RE: J-Web 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' page not loading on 23.2A1

    Posted 07-04-2023 07:34

    On some platforms the J-web interface is a separate install from the main Junos.  Check to see if your version is up to date using the update feature in the J-web interface.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 5.  RE: J-Web 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' page not loading on 23.2A1

    Posted 07-04-2023 15:54


    Yes, my J-Web version is the matching version (23.1A1) for the JunOS version (23.1R1), and the upgrade check inside J-Web reports it as the latest version.

    Daniel Smith

  • 6.  RE: J-Web 'Configure -> Power Over Ethernet' page not loading on 23.2A1

    Posted 11-20-2023 13:27

    I am having the same issue. Was there ever a resolution to the J-web not showing PoE information? 
